

Job interviews can be mildly terrifying for anyone, but they’re extra-extra-terrifying for introverts. Here, some tips for giving a great first impression, even if your instincts are to go hide in a corner.

“I’ll just wing it” should not be a line in any introvert’s arsenal—that’s especially be true for interviews. Whether you enlist a pal to run through questions with you ahead of time or just practice in front of a mirror, go through an entire mock interview out loud until it feels natural.


Introverts aren’t naturals at self-promotion, so take stock of the things you’re best at and figure out a no-nonsense way to talk about them. We find it easier to talk quantifiably (“At my last company, my press materials brought in 12 new clients”) rather than with bravado (“I’m a terrific writer. Everyone knows it.”).

Off-the-cuff comments and free-flowing conversations aren’t typically where introverts shine, so instead of leaving things up to chance, brainstorm a list of all the questions you think your interviewer will ask you and prepare your answers accordingly.
We’re not saying you should put on a hat and a pair of those fake moustache glasses, but scoping out the area where your interview will be proves majorly comforting come go time. Map out your route (or even try it the day before) to minimize travel-related stress and triple-check the weather to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. (No introvert wants to show up a sweaty mess.)
